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5 Dating Etiquette Rules That Will Take You Straight Back To The 1950s


Dating in the 1950s was a lot different than it is today. There were no cell phones, kids dressed a lot more modestly, and dating, in general, was more conservative. Some of the rules would be beneficial to bring back while others are pretty outdated and sexist.

Here are some of the most interesting dating etiquette rules from the 1950s. Which one of these etiquette rules do you think should come back in style?


1. Only guys asked out girls


While today it is still customary for men to make the first move, it was very frowned upon back in the day for girls to ask out guys. It was said that only “floozies” ask out guys on a date first. Girls were supposed to wait it out.


2. You were supposed to respond back ASAP

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These days many people respond way later or don’t respond at all while dating. Back in the day, you were supposed to give a yes or no answer right away when someone asked you out. This is a lot easier to do face to face. Today’s technology makes it easier to hide and not give people answers, which can be very rude.

3. You had to meet the parents first


These days, you only meet the parents when things start to get really serious. In the 1950s, it was customary for the girls to introduce all dates to their parents first before they were allowed to go out. When a boy picked up a girl at her house, he was supposed to ring the doorbell. Sitting in the car and honking the horn was a big no-no.

4. Women couldn’t place their own orders

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The ladylike rule in the 1950s was for women to tell their dates what they wanted beforehand so the man could order the food for you. The man would always pay for the date. If a woman tried to split or pay the whole thing, a man would be humiliated.

5. Be a gentleman


Ways to be a proper gentleman included wearing a watch so you could get the girl home before her curfew. If you missed it, the parents may not allow a second date. The man should also always open doors, help her put on her coat, and always walk between the girl and the curb of the sidewalk. Lastly, no kissing on the first date!

What rules do you think still apply today? If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE with your friends!

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