Do you ever find yourself going to Target with just a few specific things in mind, and then end up buying way more than you originally planned? Don’t fret, because you’re not alone, this is totally a real thing. According to Urban Dictionary, and experts that spoke with Refinery29, the Target Effect is real.
The actual definition is, “The result of going into a store, intending to buy a few things, and leaving with much more. Frequently happens while shopping at Target.” So, now the question is, how and why does this happen? Simple. Marketing tactics.
The experts that spoke to Refinery29 all agreed that there is a huge emphasis on the placing of certain products, psychological pricing, lighting, coloring, and more. Some people get excited by finding related items next to each other all for one price ($9.99) and others get excited by bright colors, which in turn, make them happier to spend money.
Joe Perdew, Target’s VP of Store Design, discussed the placing of certain things throughout the store that will help attract customers and boost sales.
“We’ve added features like dynamic product vignettes throughout the store that help guests envision how things will fit into their lives. … Our revamped Beauty department looks like a specialty shop and is designed to invite guests to try out products, and in Home, products are cross-merchandised and displayed in lifestyle settings, so guests can imagine what they’ll look like in their own homes.”
According to these reports, by the year 2020 more than 1,000 Target stores will be revamped and remodeled to look more appealing to customers, meaning a much larger Target Effect. So, if you find yourself buying 10 of the same items that are $10 or less, don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s Target using their marketing scheme to persuade you to buy more of what you probably don’t need. Even on food!
Do you believe in the Target Effect or are you a personal Target Effect victim? Be sure to SHARE this article around with your friends and family, we’re sure they’d like to not feel so alone, too!