The fact that Desperately Seeking Susan is a murder mystery comedy makes it very interesting. Why? Because there is a certain suspense. At first, just like Roberta, we want to know more about Susan. Then, we wonder who is this mysterious stranger who is after Susan and when Roberta has her accident, we can’t wait to see what will happen. But all this is told in a comic way so it becomes very pleasant to watch. It’s, honestly, the king of movie that didn’t bored me at all. It grabs my attention from the beginning until the end. There are no unnecessary scenes. The fact that it was directed by a woman is also very interesting because, first, female movie directors a more rare than male movie directors, but also because we can really feel this film was directed from a woman’s point of view. The female characters are more important than the male’s ones and everything is settled to their advantage. They are, also, independent women, even if they each have a man in their life. Well, Susan is clearly independent. Roberta is less, but she tries to be. It’s actually quite fascinating to see her evolution. Well, I think we can say that Desperately Seeking Susan is kind of a feminist movie.

“Good going stranger”, this line said by Madonna is probably the most famous line of the film. “I don’t believe it”, comes back several times to. Seriously, they never “believe it” in this film! It’s a movie full of surprises, not only for us, but also for the characters. The story is, in my opinion very creative and there are some great lines in the screenplay. Here are some of my favourites:
1- Leslie : I can’t believe the two of you are eating in the middle of a crisis like this.
Gary : We’re nervous, what do you want…
Leslie : Then take a Valium like a normal person.
2- Gary : Susan! What are you doing?
Susan : I’ve got good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?
3- Leslie : Everybody I know is desperate, except for you.
Roberta : I’m desperate.
Leslie : Ha!
Roberta : Well, sort of.