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Build-A-Bear Will Hold First “Pay Your Age Day” Sale On July 12


Do you love taking your children or grandchildren to Build-A-Bear Workshop? Most kids love that you can pick out whatever stuffed animal you want and make it right there in the workshop. It is hands-on fun and they walk away with a special toy that they will remember for a lifetime.

Tomorrow, July 12, 2018, Build-A-Bear Workshop is hosting their first ever Pay Your Age Day sale. This means, if your child or grandchild is 4 years old, you will pay only $4 for whatever furry friend that they want.

Wikimedia Commons

If you bring an older kid or adult, the most anyone would pay is $29. So, if you are older and want one, you don’t have to worry about paying your age! The sale lasts one day only, hosted on Thursday, July 12. If it is a success, I am sure they will be hosting more sales like this one in the future!


Anyone can participate by going into Build-A-Bear Workshop, but children must be accompanied by an adult. If you want one and are over 18 years old, you must be a member of their loyalty program called Bonus Club. It is easy and free to sign up in the store or online.

There is also a limit of one stuffed animal per guest and outfits, accessories and other extras aren’t included in the price.

Also, if your baby is under one year old, you still will have to pay at least $1.

The purpose of this new sale is to kick off a special birthday offer that they are also launching on July 12. It is called Count Your Candles. The new offer will let all children under the age of 14 receive a gift and a celebratory experience during the month of their birthday. They can receive a stuffed animal friend and you only have to pay the price for their current age.

So, if you love this sale, come back during your kid or grandkid’s birthday month to get the sale price again!

Will you be heading to Build-A-Bear Workshop tomorrow?

Please SHARE this article with your friends who might be interested in taking their children or grandchildren!

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