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Meet English Bulldog Zsa Zsa, Winner Of The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest


For nearly 30 years, The World’s Ugliest Dog contest has been looking for the least attractive canine. This year, a 9-year-old English bulldog named Zsa Zsa was crowned the ugliest dog of them all. But how can you not love that face?

Zsa Zsa is a family dog and her owner claims that she thought the dog would be a shoe-in for the contest. With her prominent teeth and huge tongue hanging out of her mouth, the messy hound definitely seems fit for the title!

YouTube // Daily Mail

The owner of Zsa Zsa, Megan Brainard, says that she came across the dog on after an organization had rescued her from a puppy mill. The drive to the competition took over 30 hours to complete, but it was obviously worth it! Megan and Zsa Zsa won $1,500 for all of their efforts in the contest.

YouTube // Daily Mail

While the judges were looking for, obviously, an overall ugly look, there were a couple features that stood out about Zsa Zsa. Despite the crazy hair, teeth, and eyes on some pooches, the lolling tongue that she sported was a definite winner.

This isn’t the first time a rescue pet has been the contest winner. Last year’s Ugliest Dog Contest winner was 3-year-old Neapolitan Mastiff named Martha. She was a foster from the Dogwood Animal Rescue Group and many winners before her have been rescues as well. In addition to Zsa Zsa’s win, photographers and judges couldn’t help but notice the one beautiful part about her – her pink manicure!

Besides the $1,500, the pair also won a huge pink trophy and will be flown out to New York City to appear on the TODAY Show. This pair got lucky!

What did you think about Zsa Zsa winning the Ugliest Dog Contest? Be sure to share this funny story with your friends!

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