Queen Elizabeth II is the current Queen of the United Kingdom. She is the epitome of class and grace, right down to her eating habits.
Her royal chef, Darren McGrady, discussed several foods that the Queen just won’t put to her lips in an interview with RecipePlus.

Check out the list below to see which foods Queen Elizabeth will never eat!
1. Starches such as pasta and potatoes

The Queen won’t let herself eat any starches. She stays away from pasta, bread, and even potatoes. Her favorite meals are said to be salads and grilled fish or chicken with vegetables on the side.
2. Garlic and onions
Can you imagine meeting the Queen and being bowled over by her bad breath? Well, neither can she. She is often out meeting people so she doesn’t want to risk having bad breath, so she steers clear of foods filled with garlic and onions.

Can you imagine meeting the Queen and being bowled over by her bad breath? Well, neither can she. She is often out meeting people and she doesn’t want to risk having bad breath, so she steers clear of foods filled with garlic and onions.
3. Rare meat

Apparently, the Queen doesn’t like to see red juice dripping from her meat and prefers it all very well done.
4. Certain fruits

The Queen only eats fruit that is currently in season to ensure that it is fresh. If it is currently growing in that season, she will eat it without complaint. However, she has been known to not eat anything that could be genetically modified. We definitely admire her strict healthy diet.
She likes bananas, but you’ll never see her eating a whole banana. She uses a fork and a knife to open the banana and to cut it in little slices. She must have learned that in etiquette class a long time ago.
5. Sweetened tea

Most people from England love their tea and Queen Elizabeth II is no exception. However, she likes her Earl gray tea with just a tiny bit of milk. No sugar for the Queen.
Are you surprised to learn that the Queen won’t eat any of these foods? If you liked this article, don’t forget to share it with a friend!