15 Rad Dads Who All Deserve Father Of The Year Awards

Yu Xukang lives in Yibin county in China, and as a loving dad, he travels 18 miles to guarantee that his 12-year-old son, Xiao Qiang, goes to school. But since the boy is disabled, Xukang has to carry him 4.5 miles to the closest school and then head back home. Then he makes the same trip to go pick his boy up and bringing him home. Qiang’s legs and arms are twisted, which make it impossible for him to make the trip on his own. “I am proud of the fact that he is already top of his class and I know he will achieve great things,” Xukang. “My dream is that he will go to college…I know that my son is physically disabled but there is nothing wrong with his mind.” Can we give these dads a round of applause?
Prepping your child’s lunch before they go to school may seem mundane, but not to David Laferriere. Since 2008, he has drawn illustrations on his children’s lunch bags using a Sharpie, and all the drawings are different. “I used to work nights at a newspaper, and I’d be up early in the morning making my kids sandwiches,” LaFerriere told Mashable. The graphic designer from Wheaton College in Massachusetts added, “I started drawing on the baggies, sort of as a way to channel my creative juices in the morning, and it just ended up sticking.” Now, his kids and their friends can’t wait to see what he draws for them every day.
This photo totally reflects some of the sacrifices that a father will make for his child. Even after a tough day at work, this dad never forgot that had the most important job in the world — looking after his young daughter. So while they rode the subway, he not only gave up his seat, but he also reminded her that reading is fundamental. Now, this isn’t something she’ll understand at this point in time, but this precious moment will mean something in the future.
Most high school grads are gifted the Dr. Seuss classic “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” But this dad not only bought the book, but he asked all of his daughter’s mentors, coaches, and teachers, to write something over a period of 13 years. On graduation day, he gave her that book, which ultimately proved to be one of the most amazing presents she could have ever hoped to receive from her dear old dad.
By the time he was 12, Connor Harrison was diagnosed with cancer two times. This prevented him from having a normal childhood. But when cancer came back a second time, the family was told that Connor wouldn’t survive beyond 11 weeks. This was the worst news for a parent to hear. But instead of accepting defeat, his dad, Scott, came up with a plan. Connor wanted to see a car show. Unfortunately, there weren’t any nearby. So Scott turned to the internet, and you know how they responded? By providing 2,200 cars and 4,000 people. Unfortunately, Connor passed away, but he had one unforgettable memory.
Credits: lifebuzz.com