A clean house does more than just appeal aesthetically. It makes you feel mentally relaxed. But when the house is cluttered with children’s toys, scraps of useless papers and your spouse’s stinky socks, it can get a little overwhelming while doing the weekly clean up.
You might think that you’ll grab a broom in one hand and a mop in the other, pull up your sleeves and attack the dust in every corner of your home all at once. While this may be a viable option for some, a good way to keep your house clean everyday and not just on weekends, is by NOT doing these 9 things. Have a look at 9 habits of people with a house that’s always clean.
1. The No Procrastination rule
As with everything else in life, procrastination adds to the mess of your home. Doing little things before going to bed can save you a lot of energy while doing a major clean up of the house. Look for food crumbs on kitchen floor and sweep them away. Straighten up the sofa pillows. Don’t pile the dinner dishes in the sink. Run them in the dishwasher right after dinner. Doing such spontaneous cleaning would also prevent any germs from spreading.
2. Don’t over-decorate the house.

Cleaning becomes an even painful task when you have to shove your vacuum in every nook and corner that’s decorated with something or the other. You’ll probably have to pull the show piece or the picture frame down from the shelf, clean the shelf and then rearrange all your decorative items. That just added a few more layers of work for you. When it comes to a cleaner home, there is beauty in simplicity.
3. Don’t let things be out of their proper place for too long.
Flickr | Wicker Paradise
Anything that keeps sitting neglectfully in a place for too long is sure to catch a smell. You might not realize it because you live in that house but your home will smell peculiar if a laundry is undone for too long, or if flies are hovering over your uneaten food in the sink. Of course, we all have busy schedules. So, here’s what you can do – keep a basket in your house to throw things in. When it gets filled up in a few days’ time, take a minute to put everything in its proper place.
4. Don’t horde papers.

Half the mess in your home is going to be made of papers. All those unnecessary mails and magazines and newspapers that you have already read and attended to, can be recycled away. Sure, if it’s a love letter or something valuable, you can either scan and transfer it to your computer, or make a proper file and have it stacked away neatly.
5. Don’t let anything be on the floor.
Anything on the floor is bound to catch germs and dirt, apart from the obvious fact that your house will look messier if the floor is cluttered. Having a specific place, above the ground level to store things, is a good way to ensure your house stays clean. For example, instead of removing your shoes on floor, put them in a closet. Hang the coat on a hanger in the coat closet. These are tiny things. But cumulatively, they have a huge impact in making your house pristine.
6. Don’t clutter the sofas with too many pillows.

Once again, when it comes to a cleaner house, less is more. With too many pillows, you’ll surely find some either on the floor or in some odd corner of the house. Put a few extras away. When in need of a change, substitute the old with the new. You’ll give the house a new look and also keep it clean!