How often have you watched a television show and thought to yourself, “I wish I lived there,” or “I wonder where they filmed that”? Most shows and films are shot on sets in Hollywood, and if you’re lucky you can tour a few of them, but seeing behind the curtain can also ruin the magic of the screen.
Some scenes and television intros, however, often feature real-world locations to sell the idea that the characters you love are real. We compiled this list of The Real-World Locations of Iconic TV Homes. See where everyone from Don Draper of Mad Men to Will and Carlton from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air lived.
1. Danny Tanner and company’s home on Full House.

2. The Pearson family’s home on This Is Us (before it burned down).

3. Rachel and Monica’s apartment on Friends, which is a real building in Manhattan.

4. The house Walt and Skyler lived in on Breaking Bad.

The owners of the home actually had to put up a fence because fans were throwing pizzas on the roof.

5. The Banks’ giant home from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which is actually in Brentwood.