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These Pictures Definitely Prove Why McDonald’s Is The Most Unpredictable Place

Waiting all night

What did we do before most McDonald’s were 24-hours and we were hungry? Well, if you’re anything like these two women then you’d sit outside and wait. If you look at the clock on the right, they still have two hours left before it opens. You know what though, we think this is kind of smart. At least you know the food is going to be seriously fresh if you’re the first customers of the day. Mmmm, fresh hash browns.


A tough paper round

Poor Ronald is looking like he’s had it tough over the last however many decades, in this photo. When McDonald’s gets busy, he has to take over and help out on the tills, and you can tell this isn’t his favorite part of the job. With a face like that he’s hardly going to win Employee of the Month. What happened Ronald? We always thought you were so cheery! Now we can see why some kids are so scared of you.


Nice try

What happens if you don’t have a car or a chariot? You can’t walk through the drive-through, it’s totally frowned upon at McDonald’s. These guys had an ingenious idea – they would make a cardboard car and try to sneak it through the drive-through! Unfortunately, it seems as though the manager (wise one that he is) wasn’t falling for that trick. The guys got reprimanded before they even made it to the first window, which means no chicken nuggets for them – boo!

Dumpster diving

We have so many questions about this photo. How short is this guy that he fits into such a small bin? Why does he have such a crazed look in his eyes? What is he doing in the trash can in the first place? Is he diving for leftovers? So many questions and absolutely no answers. If you are this guy – or you know what he’s doing – then please put your answers on a postcard and send them our way!


Errand boy

His wife told him to do the laundry, but all he wanted to do was go and get McDonald’s. So that he doesn’t fall into a Big Mac coma and forget what he was supposed to be doing, he’s decided to wear his laundry basket on his head. At least now he won’t forget to put that laundry load in, and he can still stock up on all of his favorite fast food treats. Well, that’s the only explanation we can think of for wearing a laundry basket on your head.

The Cheat Sheet

Where’s McDonald’s?

You know when you’re desperately trying to hunt down McDonald’s because your stomach is rumbling and nothing will fill it like a box of 20 nuggets? We have all been there, and boy is we glad that the clever fast food chain has invested in signage to point the way for us because otherwise we’d be so lost. Just in case you didn’t notice the giant McDonald’s restaurant on the right, there’s a handy sign letting you know it’s 20 seconds that way… Thank goodness!



Forget Comic-Con – that is so 2016. Instead, head over to McDonald’s in your favorite cosplay and you’re bound to bump into someone with the same idea as you. This Batman doesn’t appear too happy to be pestered by a Stormtrooper, while he’s trying to eat his burger and become the hero that Gotham needs. But that’s Stormtroopers for you; they don’t care who they annoy – they are part of the Dark Side after all.

Matt Hoss

That’s not Ronald!

We’re all very aware that the mascot of McDonald’s is a slightly creepy, red-haired clown, right? However, if you look closely at the background of this photo, then you’ll notice another (creepier) red-haired clown. These three kids were just trying to have a nice picture together in McDonald’s when the scariest clown we have ever seen decides to photobomb them. That is definitely not Ronald McDonald! And why is he in a white van? We’re freaked out.


Little wizards get hungry too, you know?! It looks like this little Harry Potter fan couldn’t wait to get his hands on a Happy Meal, dressed up in his Gryffindor cloak. We wonder if Harry, Hermoine, and Ron all stopped off at McDonald’s at Kings Cross, London, before making their way to Platform 9 ¾. There’s nothing like a Big Mac and milkshake to energize you before fighting Voldemort we reckon.



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