Hiding the healthy
Everyone’s mom tried to make them eat healthy all the time, right? Well, this mom went one step further when her children wouldn’t stop eating McDonald’s. She tried to disguise fruit as a burger and fries from her kid’s favorite fast food joint. While she may not have managed to fool them, we can’t help but admire her handiwork. We would still rather have a real Big Mac and fries though, sorry mom!

What did you want to be when you grew up? A ballet dancer? A vet? A firefighter? How about Ronald McDonald? We hope that this was just an epic costume party outfit and not her usual outfit – but, each to their own. The level of detail in this Ronald McDonald outfit is pretty amazing though; we have to give her that. She’s even managed to paint on that seriously creepy smile that the McDonald’s clown is so famous for.

We love a good tattoo fail, so this definitely ticks all of the right boxes for us. This teen from Stian Ytterdahl said that he got the tattoo of a McDonald’s receipt on his arm because his friends thought he’d been a bit too lady-happy recently and needed to be punished. He had the choice of a Barbie doll on his derriere or the receipt on his arm. Obviously, he’s not a lunatic, so he went for the receipt. Also, that seems like quite a large McDonald’s order… We wanna know what he had!

Is this a dream?
We have absolutely no idea what is going on in this photo and whether it’s something we’ve just dreamt up. Why is there a man sitting in his pajamas in the background? Why does that person have a horse’s head on? Why is everyone else acting like nothing is happening? We have a feeling we’re going to wake up soon, and this is all just going to be one seriously sketchy dream. Someone pinch us!

Long wait times
Don’t you hate it when you get to the drive-through, and the queue is ridiculously long? It turns out, this person couldn’t wait for food any longer, and by the time they got to the window, starvation had hit them. The poor McDonald’s worker looks absolutely terrified of the driving skeleton, before finding out it was a prank (phew). We think we would rather have had the Beagle making his order than this! Turns out, pranking McDonald’s staff is pretty hilarious though.

Happy Birthday!
Imagine being so much of a McDonald’s fan that your girlfriend orders you an entire fast food cake for your birthday?! That’s exactly what happened to Ben, who is clearly a McDonald’s Megafan! We love the level of detail on this cake, from the glistening potatoes through to the sachet of ketchup spilling over the fries. In fact, this is making our stomachs rumble a little bit. Where can we get a McDonald’s cake?

Make yourself at home
McDonald’s has become such a well-known name that we often see people turning up in their pajamas or their sweatpants, just to tuck into their favorite fast food treats. However, some people take it a step further by truly making themselves at home once they have finished chowing down. The chairs in their restaurants aren’t even that comfy, so we don’t know how tired these people must have been to be able to sleep in them!

Nice hat
As we’ve already seen, some people like to wear weird and wonderful clothes to McDonald’s. However, this is easily one of the strangest fashion trends we have ever seen. Was it a dare? We can’t work out why on earth someone would put underwear on their heads, nevermind then leave the house and go to McDonald’s wearing them. Maybe they were promised a whole box of 20 nuggets if they went through the dare – that’s the only reason we’d wear underwear on our heads in McDonald’s.