Categories: Stories

Three Kids Walk Out With Huge Hats, Put On A Show That Has The Audience In Stitches


When running for a position in student government, you have to be creative to catch the attention of the student body. Some students accomplish this with catchy slogans or colorful slogans.

Others opt for a more creative approach by putting on a darling performance for their peers. And the video below is a great example of how to do this. These kids put on a dance routine that had the audience at their school laughing and giggling the whole way through.


Dressed up in gigantic cowboy hats, the three children walk out into the auditorium and begin dancing to The Oak Ridge Boys’ classic song, “Elvira.”


One of the dancers is Ashlin. Her brother, the Walker, is running to be on the associated student body (or the student council) of his middle school.


Walker introduces his sister and her friends who are pitching in to help get him elected. He declares, “We all know that actions speak louder than words. So I’ve invited a special guest to help me get my point across to you.”


That’s when the trio of dancers take center stage and have the audience laughing and cheering to their humorous, toe-tapping dance routine!


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