9. Disregarding the seat belt sign

As adults, passengers can sometimes be really surprising for having to use the restroom as a matter of urgency exactly when the seat belt sign is on. That sign is their to ensure the passenger’s safety.
10. Touching

Touching of any kind is inappropriate in any setting. Prodding flight attendants to get something you want will only enlist you as a bugging passenger in their eyes.
11. Untimely ringing the call bells

Flight attendants have resented being called for weightless reasons right when they have to get seated for takeoff.
12. Using restrooms before takeoff and while landing

Legally, a plane cannot take off if a person is in the lavatory. There are protocols for this because take off and landing are precarious times in a plane’s journey.
13. Ignoring safety presentation

Yes, as passengers we have been on numerous flights and seen hundreds of safety presentations. In fact, we can speak along with the attendants making the presentation. But making annoyed faces and deliberately acting fed up only hurts the person doing his or her job.
14. Poor timing

Meal timings are planned on an airplane. So if you finish the food before everyone else, it’s a courtesy to wait for the attendant to come and ask for the trash. Handing it over while they are still serving food to others is considered a bad habit by those in the profession.
15. No greetings

Greetings go a long way. It makes those serving you feel delighted to help you. And if nothing else, a smile and a “thank you” would make someone’s day.
16. Not keeping feet in the right place

Putting feet up on the walls or letting them run free on other passengers’ seats creates a bad situation for everyone.
17. Stuffing the overhead bins

The rule is big suitcases go in the overhead bins and the small bags go under the seat. That way, everyone has enough space to put all their luggage. Not following this annoys the flight attendants as they have to keep separating the bags and suitcases to create more space.
Credits: businessinsider.in