Random Jewelry

It can be difficult to tell if jewelry you come across is worth a few hundred dollars, or possibly a $100,000 Louis Comfort Tiffany Necklace made by Tiffany himself that ended up on Antique Roadshow.
There’s nothing wrong with taking jewelry you might inherit or be left with to get appraised. One man in Poland was demolishing a building he purchased when he came across a gold crown and other jewels that ended up totaling nearly $120 million.
Vintage Silverware

Not surprisingly, the term “silverware” derives from a time it was in fact made with silver. While rifling through the silverware bin at Goodwill might not yield anything of value, finding vintage antique silverware can net you a hefty return. One set of Tiffany & Co. vintage silver flatware is currently listed at $89,000 on eBay. And if you don’t happen to come across some designer name silverware, many sets produced before the 1920s were made with real silver that can be melted down and bought for the weight alone.
Old Photographs

When Justin Whiting bought an old tintype photo on eBay for $10, he had no idea who was in the picture. As luck would have it, the photo was actually of a young Jesse James and was valued at $2 million. There have been many old photo discoveries from yard sales to thrift shops that have turned up important pieces of history that are worth millions.
Random Furniture

Mid-century furniture (1933-1965) had a unique style that can sometimes be confused with modern designs like what you would find at IKEA. In fact, a pair of Arne Jacobsen Fritz Hansen chairs go for $11,500 on eBay, but it would be tough to tell their worth at first glance.
Vintage Shoes

While the Nike Mag sneakers from Back to the Future might fetch you $50,000 – $60,000 on eBay, the chances you have a pair laying around are probably slim. However, there’s a huge market for vintage Converse Chuck Taylor All-Stars from the 1950s or 60s that can be worth thousands depending on the condition.
Credits: thechive.com