David, in light of his marriage with Bethy, said, “Finding a good partner for life is about working with people as they are, not insisting that… people have to be the perfect person for you. You’re not going to find somebody carved in a statuary that’s perfect for you.”

How true and full of meaning David’s words are, not just for them, but for each and every couple.

Bethy worked as a nurse and soon quit her job when the family learned about the diagnosis. David too quit his job. Despite the heaviness of the situation, the family makes sure that the environment in the house remains as pleasant and cheerful as ever.

They would joke around as Bethy would tell her children, “Daddy’s friends picked mommy because she was the prettiest that day.” They would fondly go back in time when they met and started their wonderful journey as a couple.

Bethy, like any other wife and mother, had plans for their shared future. She would shed a tear as she takes a glimpse at a future without her husband.

‘The hardest part for me is knowing that there are going to be things that I’m going to miss about Dave in the future and knowing that there’s nothing I can do right now to make up for that,’ she said amidst tears.

“When our first grandchild is born, he’s not going to be there. What would have been our 25th wedding anniversary, he probably won’t be there,” says Bethy.

The couple has had a truly unconventional love story. They are an amazing example of how arranged marriages could work out just as much as love marriages.
Credits: dailymail.co.uk