Kitten Von Mew’s obsession with the 1940s has taken over every aspect of her life, including her home, her wardrobe and even her pregnancy.

Domestic bliss: Kitten and Richard welcome baby Betsy to the timewarp

The family’s 14-month-old daughter Betsy even has an extensive wartime-inspired wardrobe.

While they do love modern day technology, the couple said they tried to hide it in their home so it was as authentic as possible.

Kitten is a stay at home mum but also sings at blitz events.

The family even has a large collection of 1940s toys for their young daughter.

Kitten said: “I don’t wear tracksuits or anything like that. The most relaxing thing I have are vintage jeans but everything I own is either vintage or repro vintage.”

But while they are determined to live life as close to the 1940s as possible, the couple do use modern technology.