Legally Bald (Uncensored!)

Forget about fancy Gruyére macaroni and cheese or panko-coated chicken tenders—if you like your pasta straight from the blue box and chicken in a take-out carton, it means that you romanticize your childhood, Kessler says. “When you prefer the comfort foods you loved as a child, it shows that you love remembering the past, ” she explains. You’re the one who calls your sister just to share a favorite story about that time the car broke down on the way to Disney.

14. If your idea of fast food is sushi


Sushi is portable, convenient, bite-sized, and delicious—the ultimate “fast food” if you think about it. But a spicy tuna roll with wasabi is no burger and fries. Eating sushi as your favorite food-on-the-go shows that you’re sophisticated and open to a wide variety of experiences, Kessler says.

15. If your favorite accessory is your portable coffee mug

New York Post
If your outfit isn’t complete without a Starbucks cup in hand, and you can’t imagine how you’d survive without your daily coffee infusion, then you’re likely a classic type A personality, Kessler says. You’re likely competitive, impatient, and operate under a constant state of stress but you’re also highly organized, ambitious, and great at juggling a busy schedule, she adds.

16. If your idea of heaven is a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie

Did your mouth just start watering? (Ours did!) Cookies are a common craving and with good reason, as the sweet flavor triggers a release of oxytocin, also known as the “cuddle” or “love” hormone, according to a study done by the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior. In addition, the chocolate contains theobromine, a compound with a calming effect. So if these are your go-to comfort food, chances are you’re chronically stressed out and frazzled. No worries though; it’s nothing a relaxing snuggle (and a cookie) can’t help!

17. If you not only know what matcha is but you drink it every day

Matcha is a powder made from green tea leaves and is said to have particular health properties. If you already knew that, and love drinking it or adding it to smoothies, you’re an individual and pride yourself on being unique, Kessler says. Not up on the latest health powders? Don’t stress, it may be more of an age thing. “If you love matcha you’re a Millenial or a Millenial at heart,” she jokes.
