
February 1st, 1968 Suspected of guerrilla activity and war crimes, Nguy…n Vƒn Lém is executed in the streets of Saigon by South Vietnamese General Nguy…n Ngc Loan early in the Tet Offensive. Captured on film and televised worldwide, the action galvanized the anti-war movement.

16. Andy Warhol Decorates Leigh Taylor-Young’s Thigh


October 1st, 1968 In what would become a popular new artistic style, pop artist Warhol paints a butterfly on the actress’ leg. He was already notorious for flipping art culture on its head and would continue to do so until his death in 1987.

17. 10,000 People Gather To Watch The Moon Landing


July 20th, 1969 Watching on giant television screens in Central Park, New York, a huge audience watches and cheers as the Apollo 11 mission unfolds before them. The event is the first televised link with outer space, enthralling audiences the world over.

18. Neil Armstrong Walks On The Moon


July 21st, 1969 Along with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, astronaut Neil Armstrong voyages to the moon aboard Apollo 11. Observed by millions back on Earth, Armstrong steps off the Apollo Lunar Module at 2:56 UTC, uttering the famous words “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Credits:  whatculture.com