22. World Champs

In 1961, the U.S. figure skating team boarded a flight to the World Championships in Belgium. Unfortunately, their plane crashed after being forced to abort its landing in Brussels. Such happy moments can change in a second.
23. Patrick Swayze

This is a rare photo of renowned actor Patrick Swayze just days before he lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. Cancer of the pancreas is one of the deadliest forms of the disease, with a five-year survival rate of just seven percent. The actor will always remain in our memories through his amazing movies.
24. Jimmy

This photo shows Jim Morrison hanging out in Paris in 1971 with his girlfriend Pamela Courson. He would die in the city of a heroin overdose within days of this picture being taken. Whoa, crazy.
25. Destruction

This picture was taken in Bay Head, New Jersey is yet another example of the destructive effects of Hurricane Sandy. Built on a cliff, this house couldn’t remain standing once floodwaters swept away much of the ground on which it stood.
26. Mount Vesuvius

In 79 CE, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius covered the city of Pompeii with volcanic ash and molten rock. Years later, archaeologists uncovered the many bodies that were trapped and mummified in the aftermath. History is mind-blowing.
27. Flooding

We’ve all seen pictures of flooding before, but rarely do you witness a deluge of this magnitude. The amount of water necessary to pick up and float a car down the highway is mind-blowing! recent flooding in Texas has caused huge amounts of damage to so many homes and people’s livelihoods, it is heartbreaking and life-changing but not for the better.
28. Hot Air Balloon

In 2012, a hot air balloon collided with power lines in New Zealand, killing all 11 tourists on board. Though there’s no way to know for sure, the accident has been attributed to negligence on the part of the balloon’s pilot. This photo is scary as it shows them right before their death.