Looking for ways to beautify your flowerbed or vegetable garden? Have you ever thought about switching up your garden edging? Check out these ideas on how to spice up your garden using natural or recycled materials that you can find at almost any hardware or home improvement store…
Bamboo is known to be a sustainable and easily grown material that looks great. The best part about bamboo? It requires almost no maintenance! Try lining up your garden with some bamboo pieces in order to keep your garden looking beautiful and tidy all year long.
They may come from the ocean, but did you know that full clam shells can make your garden pop? Try adding some bleached clam shells to edge your garden in order to add something that will blend effortlessly with every other feature. If you want to take things one step further, try adding two rows of clamshells instead of one!
There’s no better way to finish off a garden than with more plants. If you want to edge your garden, but don’t want to add anything artificial, try planting some herbs around the edge of your garden. These herbs will take advantage of your nutrient-rich soil and serve as a neat border for your garden!
If you’re looking for something a little bit more sturdy, try purchasing cinderblocks from any hardware store. These cinder blocks make excellent mini planters when stood up, and can also be used as an effective drainage mechanism when laid out on their side. The best part? If you use your cinderblocks as mini planters, you’ll find that after a few weeks, the foliage from your plants will completely hide the cinder blocks!
There’s no better way to add a rustic feel to your garden than by edging it with old logs. You might have some logs leftover from winter that you can chop up into smaller individual pieces. These logs will serve as a divider for your garden that will be both beautiful and functional. If you want to try this for your own garden, try using logs that around 5 inches in length if you’re going for a more minimal design. If you’re looking for something more robust, try using logs that are around double in length.
This one is for all the DIY lovers out there. Try recycling old scrap boards in order to create an edge for your garden that is practical and functional. You can either leave the boards the way they are or paint them your favorite color. These boards are sure to leave your garden with a unique feel that almost anyone would be jealous of!