The Coolest Roadside Attractions In Every State

7 years ago
Welcome to the Pineapple Garden Maze, which is what happens when agribusiness meets plant mazes. Deemed the world’s largest plant maze, the maze spans three acres and is created from roughly 14,000 Hawaiian plants. It’s located on the Dole Plantation in Wahiawa, Hawaii, and will only run you a modest $8 for an adult ticket.
This is actually the Dog Bark Park Inn, a 27ft-tall B&B/Trojan Dog with a single room inside the Beagle’s belly. Even weirder, it’s connected to a park filled with quirky dog paraphernalia created by a self-taught chainsaw artist.
Dying to see the majestic wonders that are the Egyptian pyramids, but can’t quite afford to trek to Africa? Go no farther than Wadsworth, Illinois, and cast your eyes upon the Gold Pyramid House, an elaborate family home built in the shape of a pyramid and featuring Egyptian décor. There are even tours, and you can rent out the house for your own private events and meetings. So, yes, you can do all those things, but why would you want to?
Once upon a time, this was just a normal baseball… but 40 years and 24,350 coats of paint later, it’s a 4,200-pound ball of paint and the world’s largest at that.
Honestly, we’re not sure why it’s OK to use what’s usually considered a derogatory term as part of a museum title, but perhaps that’s a discussion for another day. Located in Britt, Iowa, the National Hobo Museum is dedicated to hobo life and is the home of the annual National Hobo Convention. It lives in the former Chief Movie Theater and includes artifacts and collectibles donated by former Hobo Kings and Queens.
Considering that Louisville, Kentucky also is home to the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory, it should take absolutely no one by surprise that the state’s weirdest roadside attraction is somehow baseball-related. The carbon steel baseball bat (yes, like the kind used for vampire baseball in Twilight) is a 120-foot replica of Babe Ruth’s bat. You literally can’t miss it.
It’s a giant ball of twine.
What’s even weirder than the fact that Nicolas Cage is still making movies is the fact that he has his burial plot already picked out — and it’s a 10ft-tall, National Treasure-esque pyramid inscribed with the phrase “Omnia Ab Uno”, or “Everything From One.”
You may be wondering what in the world the International Cryptozoology Museum is. We sure were. Cryptozoology is “a pseudoscience that aims to prove the existence of entities from the folklore record, such as Bigfoot or chupacabras, as well as animals otherwise considered extinct, such as non-avian dinosaurs.” Sound like your cup of tea? Then pull on over and pop into this tiny museum in Portland, Maine.
Also known as the Jonathan Corwin House, this Salem, Massachusetts abode is the only building still standing with direct ties to the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. The house once belonged to Judge Jonathan Corwin, who lived there for more than 40 years and served on the Court of the Oyer and Terminer. The court was responsible for the deaths of 19 people. What a cheery pit stop.