As soon as they met, Lyle knew he had to tell Christina something shocking that she was unaware of. Christina told James that he is not her only sibling and that they have two more sisters.

Christina, as it turned out, also had a couple of twin sisters, who’d been born in Florida in the early 90s.
Lyle grew up with their biological mom. Before she died, she confessed to his twin sisters, but Lyle had never managed to find them.

Together, Christina and Lyle were now determined to find their sisters. With the little information they had, they decided to pose in a photo and share it across social media.
But neither Christina nor James had any idea where they were or how to find them. But they were determined not to stop looking for them until the entire family would be reunited. And thanks to the power of social media, that moment came a lot sooner than expected.

The siblings held up signs explaining their search. “Just met after 30 years” read Christina’s sign, with Lyle standing next to her with his own sign saying “still looking for twin girls born in Florida around May or April 1992-94”.
Then, something amazing happened. Lauren Rutherford and Ashley Bo came across the post.