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Superstitions: 15 Famous People You Didn’t Know Were Crazy Superstitious

11. Missy Elliott Won’t Cross A Black Cat

Yes, Missy Elliott is one if not the most successful female rappers of all time, and maybe that’s because she doesn’t go anywhere near any black cats. In fact, if she sees one walking down the street, not only will she not cross its path but she will high tail it home. She has even stated that she doesn’t care if it inconveniences herself or others in the process, but she won’t go out until she feels she’s safe from harm’s way. How long is that? Only Elliott knows the answer to that conundrum.

Who knows, maybe she owes her rap career to all that good juju she’s given herself. Maybe black cats are the reason why our regular folk don’t have a crazy rap career. Perhaps she’s onto something.

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12. Jennifer Aniston Has A Pre-Flight Ritual

Many people are afraid of flying, and Jennifer Aniston is no exception. There are so many coping mechanisms to getting on a flight—charms, breathing practices, closing your eyes, but Aniston has an actual ritual she does while boarding a flight in order to get her jitters away.

First, she must enter the flight with her right foot first, this means she actually has to check her footing before entering the flight, then she has to tap the outside of the plane with her hand. Imagine how much of a pain that is if she’s boarding a flight tunnel with the rest of the passengers. Then again—she’s Jennifer freaking Aniston. Apparently, she saw someone do this years ago and it just stuck with her since.

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13. Lady Gaga Claims Promiscuity Drains Creativity

Lady Gaga has a ton of hits, so maybe she’s not too far off on this one. She believes that promiscuous sex leads to a lack of creativity, and in her word that means no money, no fame, and no hits. What’s a girl to do other than limit the guests invited into her bedroom? Since she is so creative in all of her words, songs, outfits, and antics, I suppose it’s safe to say that she isn’t having a whole lot of guests in her room after hours.

If she is right, hopefully, she stays true to her belief because her hits just keep on coming, and who wants to see them stop? Guys, stay away from Gaga, just let her do her thing and keep on creating beautiful music.

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14. Keith Richards Must Break Some Crust

Shepherd’s pie crust that is. Yeah, Keith Richards insists that there must be shepherd’s pie at every single show that The Rolling Stones play so he can eat it before the show. That’s a whole lot of the stuff since those guys are literally always on the road and have been for most of their lives. You’d think he’d get downright sick of the stuff, honestly.

Not only that but Richards has to be the one that breaks the crust! If anyone else does it, it doesn’t count. The pie is useless, and a new one must be brought to him immediately. Yes, he will also wait to go on stage until this is done. The band has learned the hard way. It is also the head of security’s job to make sure this happens and the pie is protected.

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15. Cameron Diaz Lives Life Charmed

Cameron Diaz is superstitious on many different levels. She knocks on wood all day long for starters, she’s even been known to knock on her head if the wood isn’t around to knock on. But she’s really known to wear a number of good luck charms for many different reasons as well, and she always makes sure to have them all on. The most important is a necklace she was given a long time ago that she believes has the ability to ward off aging.

Based off her looks, you’d never be able to tell she was 42-years-old, so it appears to be working, or she has some pretty flawless genes. However, she was also caught flying in an airplane with a black cat on her lap—that’s like superstition rule breaking for amateurs!

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