As a kid, do you remember getting those sheets (or dittos) in school where you had to “Find The . . .” and circle it? They would give you a break from normal classroom activities but still provide an entertaining challenge.
Are you up for a challenge today? To help keep your mental faculties sharp, we’re throwing you this viral brain teaser that’s giving fellow internet surfers a run for their money, and perhaps a flashback to childhood. You’ll also get a little bit of art appreciation mixed in here.
Yeah, we know we’ve had you looking for pandas. We’ve also challenged you to spot the snake, the cat, and herd of sheep, and in that same vein, we offer you a puzzling cornucopia of wildlife in this one. All you’ve got to do is count the animals.
Like other optical illusions, this one requires you to tap into your power of sight to deduce the right answer. Because the colors are in black and white, it may be a bit more difficult for you to solve this puzzle. Time to place your bets, folks.
Go ahead and squint, stare at it for a few minutes, or write your answers down to see if you can capture each of the sixteen hidden creatures in this photo. But try not to hurt your brain as you figure this one out.
Do you see them? It looks like there may be 4, no wait, 5? Look closely and keep counting. Who comes up with these puzzles? Originally uploaded to the Facebook page S**t Happens, users were arguing about which animals are contained in the drawing. It’s obvious there’s an elephant, but when it came to some of the other findings, things were all over the place.
Once you see the answers, you may think some of these are a stretch, but nevertheless, one person managed to come up with 16 and laid out their guesses on a diagram. Before we reveal those in the video and in this list down below, take another look to see what you can find.
If all you’ve got is the elephant, donkey, dog, and cat – congrats to you for hitting the minimum! In case you’re still a bit confused, here’s what you should be on the lookout for:
- Elephant
- Donkey
- Dog
- Cat
- Mouse
- Dolphin
- Turtle
- Snake
- Fish
- Bird’s head
- Hen
- Shrimp
- Mosquito (yeah, look again for this one)
- Beaver
- Crocodile
- Swordfish
This head-scratcher may have forced you to give up, but we don’t blame you because some of these are not so obvious. Each crease, crack, crevice, and tusk holds a clue to a different animal.
See the answers on NEXT page…