11. The bouquet used to be made out of pungent herbs and spices, including garlic and rosemary, to ward off evil spirits.
12. Tiered wedding cakes came from the tradition of stacking buns in a pile in front of the newlyweds, who were then challenged to kiss each other over the tall stack.
13. Ancient Romans carried their brides over the threshold to protect them from evil spirits that wanted to enter their bodies through the bottom of their feet.
14. Tying cans to cars originated in a French custom called charivari, in which grooms basically apologized for stealing a girl from other suitors by throwing midnight parties.
15. As a wedding gift, ancient Norse newlyweds received a month’s worth of mead from their friends and family. Mead is made from honey and a month is one moon cycle. Pair them and you have the word, “honeymoon.”
Credits: viralnova.com