9. Meeting With Watermelons
“Hi, I’m Steve and I’m a seedless watermelon.”
It’s a support group for watermelons. They lost their seeds and they don’t know where they went. I’m not sure why your neighbor is there, though.

10. Saving Snowballs
Now this means war! You better stock up and eggs and toilet paper. It’s about to get nasty.

11. A Lounging Raccoon
Look, you have your living space. And this neighbor has his. Too bad you are paying for him to live comfortably though. He doesn’t look like he is going anywhere anytime soon. He is even waving to you.

12. Valley Of The Dolls
If this is your neighbor’s house, I think you need to move. Immediately. Pack a bag and run because they are definitely doing some voodoo in there that you do not want to be a part of. Do you feel any burning sensations? Any pinches or pricks? It may be too late.

13. Chill Out Bro
Ah yes, college days. Where some kids rebel right away and live their lives and others are way too uptight to even try. I give that girl a year and she will be smoking doobs with the best of them.

14. Hanging Out
Just a dog casually hanging out, minding his own business. Checking out the scenery. You may have the coolest neighbor ever. And it looks like he knows how cool he is. Woof woof.

15. A Christmas Penis
“Go into the gate. Make your first right and then look for the giant Christmas penis. Park in that driveway and I’ll come to great you.”
Have you even seen a penis all lit up? Well, now you have. It really is a sight to see.

Credits: sarcasmsociety.com