The box was labeled “Digitaminum,” and it contained a medicine called digitalis, which is extracted from foxglove flowers and dates back to the 1700s. It was used to treat arrhythmia, unusual heartbeats, and other heart issues.
Of course, interest in the chest eventually started to fade away. Even the person who helped John translate the labels didn’t seem to be available all that often. Still, John continued exploring the contents—and that’s when he discovered a mysterious note inside the box…
The note was in Japanese, but it translated to “adrenaline, novocaine, atropine.” It was clear that atropine, which had the potential to cause horrifying hallucinations, was still in the box. Why would something like that be in there?
Things became even weirder once John discovered small, empty glass bulbs. Some of the people John had become acquainted with on the Internet suspected they may have been used for cupping therapy, a Chinese practice that involves heated bulbs to promote blood flow by using suction on the skin.
John did some research, and he was disappointed to find that the medical chest wasn’t actually worth much. The old, expired medicine was basically garbage, but there was something to be said for the fact that they were all in their original containers.
Whatever the case was for the medicine, the chest itself was a genuine antique. More importantly, even if he didn’t make much money off of it, the experience gave him amazing new insight into the life that his own grandfather once lived!
What John saw was so unforgettable that calling his findings priceless would not be an overstatement. His grandfather must have been a fascinating man!
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