21. Use Heavy Duty Paper Clips To Organize Your Freezer And Stop The Frozen Peas Avalanche

22. Notebook Organization Lifehack From Japan, Create A Word Index In The Back And Mark The Pages

23. If It’s Stupid And It Works, It Ain’t Stupid

24. A Little Something I Learned In A Pinch

25. Use An Old iPhone And A Generic Facebook Account As A Monitoring Service. Wanted To Ensure Our Baby Chickens Were Okay So I Facebook Lived It Under Private For 24 Hour Monitoring From Anywhere

26. How To Keep Bobby Pins Neat

27. Coffee Freshness Hack

28. Life Hack: Put Ice Cream In Your “Empty” Nutella Jar

29. When Freezing Ground Meat Flatten It Out As Much As You Can To Reduce Thawing Time

30. Bottom Of The Bunk Bed Brilliance