The bedroom may seem a little claustrophobic to people who are used to larger homes. Being walled-in on three sides might bother some people, but others will simply think of it as being cozy.
When you live in a tiny house, there are major sacrifices you must make. A mirror on the wall makes the room look slightly bigger, but in the end, tiny houses have tiny master bedrooms.

What this means on a practical level is that every room will have several purposes. When the owner gets dressed in the morning, they will likely do so in the living room. Each space has a specific purpose, but must also be multi-functional.
Inhabitants of tiny homes must be adaptable and willing to sacrifice some of the luxuries they are used to. People who have lived in tiny homes for several years report that they simply stop buying new things. They know that there is no room to store them, so they just do without.
If that sounds like something you could handle, check out the virtual tour of this luxurious tiny house. For just $50,000 plus shipping, it could be yours in the near future.
Credits: urbo.com
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