15 Years Family Sends The Most Awkward Christmas Cards And It’s Too Funny

9. 2011 – The Unibrows

10. 2012 – Goth Christmas

11. 2013 – Jazz Hands

This one is, quite frankly, slightly disturbing. And that’s why it’s hilarious. Mike called it “lightning in a bottle.”
12. 2014 – The Holidays Are Such A Drag
(Wait for it ….)

Like how the girls look? Mike, who even shaved his legs, said it was fairly obvious he made some people in the store quite uncomfortable.
13. 2015 – Les Modèles (AKA Fashionistas, AKA Euro Trash)

“His shoes – $850, her shoes – $950, spending your holiday with the Bergerons – priceless.” – Mike
14. 2016 – Cussin Jerry nem

“A little over a year ago, Gigi started calling me “Cousin Jerry.” It caught on with her little sister and, after a while, I started talking to them as I imagined Cousin Jerry would. Since then, he has become a regular visitor in our household, so it seemed fitting to share him with all of you this holiday season. ” – Mike
15. 2017 – Gingers in Paradise

This is the first pic not to have been shot inside JCPenney. Loving the ‘tans.’
Credits: inspiremore.com
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