51. “SPAM” is short for spiced ham.

52. To add nutrition, a lot of milk, juice, and yogurts enrich the food with EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. In other words, your OJ contains fish oil.

53. There’s an enzyme in pineapple called bromelain that helps to break down proteins and can also ruin your taste buds.

54. Apples float in water because 25% of their volume is made of air.

55. The popsicle was invented by an 11-year-old in 1905.

56. Crackers, like Saltines, have small holes in them to prevent air bubbles from ruining the baking process.

57. The reason why peppers taste hot is that of a chemical compound called capsaicin, which bonds to your sensory nerves and tricks them into thinking your mouth is actually being burned.

58. One of the most hydrating foods to eat is the cucumber, which is 96% water.

59. There are 7,500 varieties of apples grown throughout the world, and if you tried a new variety each day, it would take you 20 years to try them all.

60. The most popular carrots used to be purple.

(Source: BuzzFeed)