8. The Goth bride
Goth-style is alright but I just think Julie Williams and Dylon Holroyd took it to the extreme. Don’t you think?

9. The cake-y bride
Another cost-cutting solution to the wedding extravaganza! Merge the bride and the cake into one. And this time, make no mistake – if you are hungry, you can actually dig into the bride and scoop out a piece! <eew, oops … whatever> Really, that’s the idea!

10. The cream puff bride
Baker Valentyn Shtefano and his bride Viktoriya made this wedding dress out of 1500 cream puffs! Now, now – weddings are expensive, alright – but to carry food on yourself?

11. The honey boo boo bride
The blushing bride and her groom chose to sport matching ensembles featuring an offensive combination of camouflage green and orange. Can someone say atrociousness?

12. The royal peacock bride
The color scheme of this wedding dress would have been so beautiful and elegant if it weren’t on such a hideous outfit like this.
We seem to be having a thing going on with brides wearing crowns and tiaras and things with their dresses. Sure, it’s great to feel important, especially on your big day. But seriously guys, doesn’t this just look a bot much? A classic wedding veil doesn’t suffice anymore? Unless your name is Queen Elizabeth, there’s no need for a crown on your head. And no girl, the wand in your hand doesn’t make it better; it’s just making it worse.

13. The rainbow bride
The classic Skittles tagline seems perfect for this colorful wedding dress because it really looks like someone vomited some Skittles all over her to make this crazy colorful wedding dress. I’ll admit, I honestly think this is very pretty to look at, therefore it probably belongs in an art gallery somewhere, and not on a bride.

14. The newspaper bride
For the bride who likes to know what’s going on in the world.

15. The sheep bride
This bride wanted to really represent herself and her favorite animal at her wedding. She nailed it!

Credits: Newlovetimes.com
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