8. ‘Berenstain Bears’ Toys (1986)
Long before the Berenstein/Berenstain debate, Berenstain Bear toys were featured in Happy Meals. They were surprisingly high quality, except all of their furry areas were felt, making them prone to getting dirty fast.

9. ‘Muppets’ Babies (1987)
Surprise, surprise, another toy on wheels. These baby versions of Muppets characters came on wheeled vehicles, but they were removable. Later, McDonald’s would go on to make a second set of the toys in 1990.

10. ‘DuckTales’ Figures (1988)
Happy Meal toys became a means for advertisement, so many new shows and movies utilized them. DuckTales was no exception. The show first aired in late 1987, and kids were ecstatic to have figures of their favorite duck characters.

11. Fry Kids (1989)
I think these “kids” are supposed to be made of or covered in fries, but they look more furry than anything. Regardless, these were genuine McDonald’s toys like Fast Macs, and they came with cute little accessories like hats and headphones.

12. Camp McDonaldland (1990)
For whatever reason, McDonald’s decided that the thing that children really needed at the time was genuine camping gear. Including things like a canteen and a collapsible cup, today’s kids could probably use that kind of motivation.

13. McDino Changeables (1991)
Whoever thought to make Transformers-esque dinosaurs that turn into food items was a genius. I’m not sure why it’s so appealing, but it just is. McDonald’s was really killing it with the original toys.

14. Potato Head Kids (1992)
The Mr. Potato Head craze was so real in the 80s and 90s, so naturally, a series of young potato heads came out. The Potato Head Kids were featured in the Happy Meal but were also sold separately in toy stores.