When you go to the doctor, it’s usually because you have some sort of ailment that you just can’t fix yourself. No matter how many times you have read hundreds of symptoms on WebMD, you’re still not a doctor and have to finally take yourself to the doctor. Well recently, 14 anonymous doctors were asked to explain their dumbest patients ever. Here are their answers. I know I have asked some dumb questions in my life, but these really take the cake.
1. A woman who said she could not be pregnant because she had not turned 18.

2. This doctor had to tell their patient off about using a catheter bag – which drains the bladder – as a water gun.

3. And another medic told their patient not to eat their own feces, reminding them ‘it is not good for you’.

4. This doctor remembered a patient asking them to check their pulse to ‘see if it’s beating’.

5. Another patient appeared to have very little knowledge of sexual health, not knowing that herpes cannot be cured outright.