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These 20 Abandoned Places Will Give You The Creeps For Very Good Reasons

Here is a compilation of some of the creepy abandoned places around the world. There are stories of people who previously lived, prayed, took the daily rides, each image gets a special aura of nostalgia. Moreover, it’s also amazing to see some things that used to belong to people are slowly reclaimed by nature again.

These pictures will give you cold shivers!

1. Michigan Central Station in Detroit, U.S.A.

Michigan Central Station was built in 1913 in Detroit to create a new public transportation hub. Several planning oversights and mistakes, however, led to its gradual decline and closing in 1988. The building’s fate is still being decided, but in the meantime, the station has appeared in several films and videos, including Eminem’s “8 Mile” film and “Beautiful” music video.

Chris Luckhardt

2. Sunken Yacht, Antarctica

This eerie ghost ship is the Mar Sem Fim, a Brazilian yacht that was shipwrecked near Ardley Cove in Antarctica. A Brazilian crew had taken it to film a documentary, but strong winds and stormy seas forced the crew to abandon ship. The water that washed over the ship froze, cracked its hull and sunk the yacht, but it has since been salvaged.

3. The Haunting New Bedford Orpheum, U.S.A.

The New Bedford Orpheum is an old theater and entertainment building located in Massachusetts in the U.S. It was opened in 1912 and closed in 1959 – since then, it has stored tobacco and served as a supermarket. Now, the Orph Inc. nonprofit is trying to raise money to revitalize the building.

Frank Grace

4. Abandoned Train Station, Abkhazia, Georgia

This train station in Sukhumi, Abkhazia was abandoned during the War in Abkhazia in 1992 and 1993. The dispute between Georgia and Russia over the region has isolated the region, but the decaying station retains some of its former glory in the form of intricate plaster work and mahogany furniture.

Ilya Varlamov

5. Abandoned Wooden Houses, Russia

These beautiful, intricately decorated buildings are found deep in Russian forests, where their isolation has helped them remain relatively intact.

Andrew Qzmn

6. Underwater City in Shicheng, China

This incredible underwater city, trapped in time, is 1341 years old. Shicheng, or Lion City, is located in the Zhejiang province in eastern China. It was submerged in 1959 during the construction of the Xin’an River Hydropower Station. The water protects the city from wind and rain erosion, so it has remained sealed underwater in relatively good condition.

7. The Abandoned City Hall Subway Stop in New York, U.S.A.

This beautifully-designed metro station sits underneath City Hall in New York City. Because of its location, much attention was given to its design, but nearby stations ensured that this one never received a significant amount of traffic, and its curved layout made it unsafe for use with newer, longer trains. The station was closed in 1945 and, because of security concerns, it generally remains closed, with the exception of occasional exclusive tours.

Eric Kazmirek

8. Salto Hotel, Colombia

The Hotel De Salto opened in 1928 near Tequendama Falls in Colombia to serve tourists who came to marvel at the 157 meter-tall waterfall. It closed down in the early 90s after interest in the waterfall decline. In 2012, however, the site was turned into a museum.


9. Abandoned Subway Tunnel in Kiev, Ukraine

This image of an abandoned subway tunnel was captured in the metro system underneath Kiev, Ukraine. Many of the tunnels are partially flooded, and stalactites hang from the ceilings.

10. Abandoned Submarine Base in Balaklava, Ukraine

While this old submarine dock in Ukraine isn’t totally abandoned, the decommissioned formerly top-secret site near Balaklava is still impressive. Until its decommissioning in 1993, the site was one of the Soviet Union’s most top-secret sites and was said to be able to weather a direct nuclear strike due to its underground construction. Today, it is a national naval museum.

Thomas Alboth

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