17. Well That Escalated Quickly

If this kid’s path towards world domination is any indication we almost understand now why people who have attempted to rule the world failed. Maybe he should focus on building out his career, finding someone nice to settle down with and then go after world domination. Technically, his answer is correct, even if world domination at such a young age is a bit daunting.
18. “Oh Dear…”

This kid might be dealing with some issues that he could use some help with. Who are we to say he isn’t right about the engineer though. All those lonely nights spent in the open ocean may have led to some urges that the engineer couldn’t deny. Nice try kid.
19. Wrong Hue

If you are going to give the wrong answer why not make it Hugh Jackman. At least the teacher thought this kid gave a clever answer. We don’t know if they were given credit for their snarky answer but it deserves a round of applause in the least. Very clever indeed.
20. Not A Fan

This kid thinks school is hell. We’ve got news for you kid, there are millions of people who agree with you. We’re going out on a limb here to blame the American education system for failing this kid. We predict he’ll work in middle management one day where he can make his underlings’ lives hell.
21. Is That What I Think It Is?

Another right answer that likely caused this kid to lose some points on their test. On the other hand, if this was an anatomy test they might have been given full credit for their rather blatant answer. Seriously, kids really know how to give the most inappropriate answer, even if they don’t realize what they are doing all of the time.
22. A Morbid Answer – Let’s Get This Kid Some Help

If you are going to die why not go out with a big helping of milk. On the one hand — NO! On the other hand, this kid has a love of milk that makes them happy and that’s some good child raising right there. But seriously kid, NO!
23. It’s Called Virginia. We Hope.

This kid’s parents probably told them a family trip to Virginia was on the horizon. They are going to be sorely disappointed and surprised when they take a drive or hop on a plane to a destination other than where they thought they were about to go.
24. This Kid Has A Good Head On Their Shoulders

This kid rightfully pointed out that their teacher’s test didn’t give the best examples to choose from. If the man was actually hitting the dog it would have been a completely different story. We hope this young child received extra points for their thoughtful answer.
25. Saturn Isn’t A Single Lady

“Saturn was not a single lady.” That might be the most strange answer this teacher has ever had to write out for an incorrect test answer. (Not to mention, Saturn still exists…) This teacher seems a bit closed-minded to us. Carry on, kid.
Credits: giveitlove.com
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