Disneyland might be the most magical and happiest place on earth for children (and big kids like myself), but for the staff, who have to constantly smile, be happy and act as though they can’t hear kids screaming the entire time, it’s a hard job.

It’s like becoming a parent to thousands of children who aren’t yours. I know I couldn’t do that as a job!
On top of having to act like everything is fine and happy, there are a number of odd rules that members of staff must follow at all time.
Some of these rules are pretty obvious, they’re not allowed to swear in front of guests, and they must pick up any rubbish on the spot.
But one of the strangest rules Disneyland staff have to follow revolves around how they point.
Disney staff are not allowed to point using just one finger. If a member of staff needs to point towards something, they have to use their index and middle finger, rather than just their index finger, which many of us use day to day.

But in some cultures, pointing with one finger is considered to be a rude gesture, Disneyland wants to avoid accidentally causing offense.
But they also do the ‘Disney Point’ because a two-fingered point apparently seems more friendly than just a one finger point.
This method of pointing was also a throwback to how Walt gestured when he went to the park.