6. Defibrillator

All US-based commercial airlines are required to carry a defibrillator onboard because it could mean the difference between life and death. In 2015, a British woman died after suffering cardiac arrest during her flight, and the coroner pleaded that all flights start carrying defibrillators going forward.
Next: They’re watching your every move.
7. Sky marshals

The sky marshal hides in plain sight to keep you safe, and if you’re lucky, then you’ll never figure out which passenger he or she is. He won’t intervene in situations with standard drunk and unruly passengers but will step in for suspected acts of terrorism or more serious threats. They do carry weapons, but will only use them in extreme situations.
Next: This could literally save your life.
8. Ashtrays in the bathroom

Smoking on airplanes has been banned for decades, but the most perceptive travelers may notice that even the newer planes still have ashtrays in the bathroom.
The reason is simple — despite the strict, no smoking policy and the warnings posted everywhere, at some point a smoker is still likely to ignore the rule and light up anyway. An available ashtray means that the rule breaker is less likely to throw their cigarette butt in the trashcan where it could cause a fire.
Next: This plane feature hides out in the open.
9. Secret handcuffs

Disruptive or violent passengers can’t exactly get thrown out like they can in a restaurant or bar. Because of this, every airplane has a pair of hidden handcuffs so flight attendants can restrain anyone fighting or causing a disturbance. But beware — if you’re acting crazy, you may be the catalyst for an emergency landing, in which case you’ll probably wind up arrested upon arrival.
Next: It’s illegal to use this next item.
10. Holes in the windows

You may have already noticed that your plane window is actually made of three separate panes of thick glass. But did you see the hole in the middle?
This feature protects against the pressure drop in the atmosphere. While flying, the outside air pressure drops dramatically as compared the pressure inside the plane. That middle pane of glass with the hole in it helps to balance things out. The inner glass, meanwhile, protects that middle glass from shattering.
Next: You’ll only see these when you get in trouble.