9. Cheese

No! Not this one here! Please! But wait, it’s not as alarming as the previous ones. And you have a cause to worry only if you read “rennet” listed as one of the ingredients in your cheese. This ingredient is not vegetarian. It is extracted from a dead cow or goat. Only some cheese contain the rennet and event those that do, can be made to please the vegetarians through vegetarian or microbial rennet.
10. Bread

A consumer discretion might be useful here. Take heed and go for the freshly baked bread from a bakery instead of a processed one from the grocery store. The reason for this is that the processed one can contain an amino acid called L-cysteine, gotten from none other than – human hair! Yes, you’re consuming a bit of hair with your morning breakfast. It’s actually done to give the bread a longer life span.
11. Creamers

Another morning revelation! In a cup of steaming, aromatic coffee, you decide to add a bit of creamer to make it all light. But what you don’t know is that you’re also putting in oil with it. As strange as it sounds, non-dairy creamers are made with a mix of oils that give it the smoothness and thickness. Powdered creamers, even worse! They contain something highly flammable that’s actually used in to prevent the powder to get all caked. The substance is called sodium aluminosilicate.
Apologies for spoiling your most favorite thing on the list. But better safe than sorry, right?
H/T: mashed.com