7. The Wolf of Wall Street: Time Travel?!

You thought this movie was perfect, didn’t you? Ha! In one of the scenes where ‘The Wolf’ is jogging his memory and we see a photograph of Leo’s character as a child and his father. It’s seemingly just another generic father-son photo but they made a mistake. The photo was taken in 1975 according to the narrative and during that time, Fenway Park did not have any seats! HA! Take that!
8. The Great Gatsby: This is Getting Annoying Now, Leo

In unsurprisingly YET ANOTHER display of indecisiveness, Leo’s character can’t even decide whether or not to keep his arms up when he’s dying. Just decide, man. You’re dying.
9. The Wolf of Wall Street

DiCaprio’s wife is trying to seduce him claiming she does not have underwear, which is not correct, and you can see it in the movie.
10. The Wolf of Wall Street: There is Definitely a Pattern to it

Leo, I think this isn’t even funny anymore. You’ve got the ring on when you get into the car, you didn’t even have the cognitive ability to drive properly and crashed the car YET IN SPITE OF ALL THAT you had the sense to take off your ring now that your marriage has gone down the drain?!
11. Catch Me if You Can

Some of the flight attendants have put their hats on in the wrong way.
12. Romeo and Juliet: You’re Supposed to Take it Off, Romeo

Since EVERYONE loved this movie so much, here is yet another instance from the on-screen adaptation of Shakespeare’s most iconic play where a mistake was made. In this scene, Romeo is partaking in racy extracurricular activity (Sex. They’re having sex. Don’t look so confused) with his beloved Juliet. Viewed in a single go, it’s almost unnoticeable but Leo’s shirt was pulled up over his shoulders one second and then magically well worn the next. It would take too much time and awkward effort to slip it back on when engaging in under-the-sheet clandestine operations. At least that is what logic suggests, no?