7. The Show Received a Lot of Mail and Calls About the Theme Song.
Before the first two seasons, many have asked and called to ask about the last line of the opening theme story. They had trouble understanding “Gee; our old LaSalle ran great.” It was then that the song was recorded in season 3.

8. The Debate on Sock and Shoe was Based on a Real-Life Incident.
The habit of Reiner of putting a sock and shoe on one foot before dressing the other one is based on a real-life story. Reiner just related it to the writers, and it was included in the scene.

9.The Show Also Featured a Complete Frontal Male Nudity.
The show also featured frontal male nudity with a 3-week old baby named Joey Stivic. The show shattered a taboo in the year of 1976. The nudity was also germane and filmed to the plot. In that same year, an official doll which was physically correct was released.

10. Carroll O’ Connor Did Write the Lyrics before the Closing Theme Song.
It was Carroll O’ Connor who initiated his lyrics. He received credit for being a co-writer. He approached Kellaway to share something that would make the instrumental better and more impressive.

11. Four of the Episodes were Taped When on a Salary Dispute.
There were salary disputes concerning O’Connor protesting over his working conditions and wages. The three episodes were filmed starting with “Where is Archie?” He claimed that the production owed him 64,000 dollars in back pay.

12. The Viewer Backlash Did Not Actually Materialize.
Extra operators had been hired to handle the onset of outraged telephone calls. Only a few viewers were offended. Americans embraced Archie Bunker. Campaign buttons and bumper stickers were all around.

13. CBS Aimed for Something Edgy and Within Reason.
The network requested something that was edgy within reason. Homosexual terminology was kept to such a minimum the terms fairy and queer were also needed to be used sparingly. The regular fella was also preferred to be really “straight.”

14. Most of Archie Bunker Was Based on the Father of Norman Lear.
Lear usually told his son he was the laziest kid ever. He was then called Meathead. The characters in the series seemed to be shouting all the time as the entire family seemed to speak in volume.