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16 Old Wives Tales For Gender Predictions

11. All-Encompassing

One of the more ridiculous tales is that the direction your pillow faces can be used to predict the sex of your developing baby. If your pillow faces north, it’s a boy. If it faces south, it’s a girl. If it points east or west, the test is inconclusive. Please try again later (once you’ve rearranged your room to give you the answer you most want).

The Bump

12. A Big Boob

It might not often be talked about in polite society, but it’s common to have one breast bigger than the other. Take a look in the mirror: if your right breast is bigger, you might be having a son. If your left is larger, it could be a little girl in your uterus.

Parents Magazine

13. It’s All In The Heart

According to age-old nonsense, your baby’s heart rate can be used to predict the gender. Apparently, girls have faster heartbeats than boys. Above 140 ppm means you’re having a girl, and lower than 140 bpm means it’s a boy. Perhaps 140 ppm exactly means it’s an alien, or a puppy, who knows? But because it’s all nonsense anyway, I wouldn’t worry about it.

Medical News Today

14. The Ring Test

This old wives’ tale is so old it uses a wedding ring. For a modern version, you might prefer another ring, needle or pin. Yank out a strand of your hair, and attach the ring (or whatever you choose) to it. Lie yourself down and dangle the ring over your bump. If the ring starts to move in circles, you’re having a boy. If it sways from side to side like a pendulum, you’re going to have a daughter.

People | HowStuffWorks

15. Having A Bad Barf Day

If you were wondering what good could possibly come from all-the-time sickness (calling it ‘morning’ sickness is clearly an issue for Trading Standards), here it is. It’s a way of predicting the sex of your unborn child. If you had your head in the toilet bowl for the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy, you’re having a girl. If you escaped without that daily vom, legend predicts you will have a baby boy.


All of the above methods are nonsense, but fun. Well, fun if it’s you doing them, not so much if it’s every stranger you pass in the street. Especially if they’re pointing out things like, “Oooh, I think it’s a boy because you have a beard,” or “You look terrible, you must be having a girl.” Remember, you have a 50% chance of getting it right, anyway.


Credits: Belly Belly

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