8. As lefties, they have an upper hand in sports.

9. The Royal family abounds with lefties – Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, Prince Charles and Prince William.
10. US has had 6 left-handed presidents so far.

11. There was no formal record measuring the left-handed people in the US. But there are known to be about 32 million of them in America.

12. As if they weren’t struggling with enough problems, the lefties also have to deal with sleep problems. They are more likely to be insomniacs.

13. Celebrate the Lefties on the International Left-Handers Day which falls on August 13.

14. Left handed people are thought to get angry and emotional more easily than right-handed people. Of course, if all the appliances and everyday items are designed to rest more comfortably in the right hand, one could only sympathize with a lefty.

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Credits: wimp.com
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