If you are familiar with WWII history, then you know all about the pin up girls ornamented all sorts of planes that were sent overseas to fight. This was a token of support of those left behind as well as a breath of fresh air for those men that would not return in big groups from the war itself. These iconic photos have a history of their own, however, that you can see from the original photos that went on to be the final products that we know and love.
Simply take a look at the edits and you can see the origins and the creativity that went on after the fact. While some find it demeaning, you have to admit it’s an interesting piece of history that really served its purpose well. Plus, it’s not too far off from what we have today, is it?
1. Ahoy, there! Full steam ahead!

2. Just a couple of good-looking birds in the sand!

3. Looks well-built to me!

4. I’m with the dog — I want to take that ride too!

5. Looks like a healthy snack to me!