Most people dream of finding someone to love, and many end up finding that special person, but it is truly a beautiful thing when a life-long relationship is born.
The images below feature couples who decided to commemorate some of their favorite memories in a fun way, by recreating scenes from old photos. The first photos feature these couples either on the day they met when they first started dating, or on their wedding day. They are then coupled with more current pictures taken to mimic those same moments – some quite a few decades later. But all are recreated to a tee!
Seeing these couples still so happy, after so many years, warms the deepest parts of our hearts. Not only have they cared for each other with love and humor, but their relationships and marriages have withstood the test of time.
1. Almost 44 Years After Their Wedding, The Wedding Dress Still Fits. 1971 And 2015

2. This 98-year-old couple recreates their wedding day… 70 years later

3. Couple Kissing The Stanley Cup 37 Years Ago, And Here They Are Again Doing A Modern Re-Creation

4. The Big Moment, 1972 And 2015

5. “One of my best friends married the girl of his dreams on Saturday – they met when they were 3.”