If you thought Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka were the only celebs to get into the spirit of Halloween, guess again. Celebrities are constantly trying to one-up each other, coming up with the most hilarious costumes we’ve ever seen. They actually inspire us to get a little more creative each year, in the hopes that we can finally get on their level. Among the many celebs who KILL on Halloween, Indiana Jones and Ally McBeal, (or rather, married couple Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart) will go to any lengths, and I mean, ANY LENGTHS, to knock it out of the park on Halloween.
With Halloween around the corner, Harrison Ford is probably checking out costume rentals.
When you ask yourself what on Earth would Harrison Ford go dressed as, the first thing that comes to mind is Han Solo, the character he portrayed in four Star Wars films, but you’d be wrong.
If there’s one thing Ford knows how to do is how to pull out all the stops on Halloween.
Maybe he’d take out a whip and put on his Indy hat and go dressed as Indiana Jones. But nope! If we’ve learned anything about Harry’s Halloween costume choices is that they’re a huge departure from anything he’s ever played.
Going dressed up as a nun is so “Sister Act” and we’d never in a million years imagine that was him.
We would totally follow Harrison Ford wherever he may go all dressed up as a nun as long as he promises to share some of the booze he’s holding. We’d totally toast to this costume from 2010.
The legendary actor always finds a way to captivate us like a rock star.
In 2011, the paparazzi was probably wondering where Harrison Ford was. No one realized he was dressed up as a wild 80s rocker completely with crazy hair, skull shirt, and zebra printed pants.
No rocker could ever go on tour without a groupie and Harrison was no exception.
Obviously, he didn’t go all rock star alone. He had his gorgeous groupie, or rather, his wife, Calista Flockhart going all 80s too. Bet Ally McBeal would never have worn anything like that.
Hollywood stars are always looking to age in reverse, except for Harry and Calista.
Despite their considerable age difference, Harrison and Calista decided to even the age gap by dressing up as pensioners in Brentwood and walking around L.A. at night in 2012.