13. Bulls will charge at any moving object, no matter the color
Next time you find yourself wandering in the presence of a bull, you don’t need to worry about whether you’re wearing red or not. Yes, you can now rest safe in the knowledge that no matter what colors you’re wearing, it’s probably going to chase you anyway. Doesn’t that make you feel better?

14. Lemmings don’t actually commit mass suicide
When you think of lemmings, you probably think of a long procession of animals walking off a cliff. The myth was first started by Disney in a 1958 nature documentary, in which hundreds of lemmings were callously pushed to their deaths in the Arctic Ocean for the sake of the production. And it was then perpetuated by the video game Lemmings, which asks players to try to save the animals. In reality, however, these fluffy rodents really aren’t catastrophically suicidal at all.

15. Napoleon Bonaparte wasn’t actually that vertically challenged
Napoleon was, in fact, basically average height for a Frenchman at the time – five feet and seven inches tall. And the myth that he was very short likely comes from the disparity between English and French measurements in the 19th century, with French doctors recording his height as five feet and two inches tall.

16. Gravity does actually exist in space
Gravity does, in fact, have some pull in outer space. It’s just that it exists in far smaller amounts than here on earth. Indeed, gravity from the sun stretches all through the Milky Way – it’s what’s keeping the planets in orbit. And by extension, the earth’s gravity is what’s keeping the moon in orbit. But the further away you get from earth, the less effect gravity has – and that’s why astronauts float in space.

Credits: absolutehistory
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