Let’s find out the other half of memories of our outdoors that are going away..
7. Breaking Off Icicles and Eating Them

Come wintertime and Jack Frost, you could find beautiful and tasty ice treats hanging above your head. We always looked for the longest ones that were of course most clean! Sometimes you could spot one hanging on a Maple Tree which imprinted its delicious maple essence onto the icicle!
Below is a clip of a friendly pup that also enjoys this pastime…
8. Jungle Gym
There were lots of playgrounds to go to and if you were brave enough, you would tackle this! Didn’t matter if the girls had skirt or dresses, the climbing and playing had to continue. No one was really worried about stuff like that back then. We were just kids having fun.

9. Foursquare
This was a game that was mostly played at school during recess.

10. Hopscotch
Drawing these on the ground was an easy way to spend hours of fun.

11. Croquet
Most of us had this set somewhere on the property. It was a fun game.

12. Tetherball

Tetherball was a staple at most playgrounds. The rules sometimes escaped us but that doesn’t mean we didn’t hit that sucker as hard as we could. I’m pretty sure those are the rules!
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