3. George Washington — a librarian’s worst nightmare.

- Washington borrowed two books from the New York Society Library and never returned them, racking up a late fee of $300,000in overdue fines.
- When Washington surrendered during the French and Indian War, he signed the official surrender document despite the fact that it was written in French and he didn’t understand a word of it. He unwittingly took responsibility for various war crimes, including the murder of a French diplomat, then blamed his translator and his superior officer for his dumb mistake.
- Washington was quite taken aback when he realized that Chinese people weren’t white.
- Washington was so afraid of being buried alive that he gave instructions in his will that after his death, his body should be kept above ground for three days before being buried.
4. Alexander Hamilton’s political career and reputation were ruined when it came to light that he’d been having an affair.

5. Thomas Jefferson — “Beware the giant sloth!”

- When Lewis and Clark went out on their expedition, Jefferson warned them to watch out for giant sloths.
- Jefferson and John Adams vandalized a chair in William Shakespeare’s house by chipping off pieces and taking them as souvenirs.
Credits: viralnova
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