8. Sharon Stone had no idea the interrogation scene in Basic Instinct was so graphic.

In Basic Instinct, Sharon Stone plays writer/murderer Catherine Tramell. The character is performed as a classic noir vampy type, easily able to manipulate the men around her. That element is ratcheted up in a scene where she’s interrogated by police, whom she completely disarms with wit, snark—and eventually just a simple crossing and uncrossing of her legs, revealing her lack of underwear. It’s an iconic dramatic scene of power reversal, and Stone had no idea how it turned out until her first viewing of the finished film.
She later claimed she was advised on set by director Paul Verhoeven to remove her underwear because it was distracting the shot. The director advised that the scene would be playful innuendo and nothing graphic would be seen. This, famously, turned out not to be the case, and Stone was so shocked the first time she viewed the film she said she slapped Verhoeven.
9. The BDSM scenes in Fifty Shades of Grey were a nightmare for everyone involved.

Fifty Shades of Grey is ultimately the product of a Twilight fanfiction session gone way out of control, becoming a series of novels and a film. Jamie Dornan plays the sadistic Christian Grey, and Dakota Johnson plays Anastasia Steele, the woman who submits to his interests and impulses. In lieu of more traditional romance and s*x dynamics, a lot of the erotic tension is played out in bondage, domination and torture scenes which were apparently not a lot of fun to act out.
Shooting scenes like this isn’t a one-take deal. This means Johnson spent hours tied up, blindfolded miming being struck with a whip. As she reported to Time, the scene was “not a sensual or pleasurable environment. It was really hot—not in a steamy, s*xual way. It’s just sweaty and not very uncomfortable.” She later referred to the experience as “emotionally taxing,” but evolved from being miserable to thinking “Okay, let’s just get this over with.”
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